Study The Penis

Penis size may matter for women who experience vaginal orgasm, but sex researchers advise against panicking about the findings.

New Study Reveals Average Penis Size, Ruler Salesman Having Best Day Of His Life

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“I was in the pool!” George Costanza’s distress at the “shrinkage” of his penis after exiting a cold pool was hilarious in the 1994 Seinfeld episode, but for many men concern over the length and girth of their reproductive organ is no laughing matter. Now, a new study could assuage such

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According to a recent study, the ideal penis size exists. Keep reading to find out how you measure up.

Finally, a study which may lay to rest some of the lingering fallacies about penis size and alleviate the woes shared by many men worldwide. According to n

Yep. A new study from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston reveals that coffee can give you a stronger penis. From The New York Post:. Researchers found that guys over the age of 20 who consumed the caffeine equivalent of 2 to 3 cups of coffee a day were less likely to report ED issues than men who steered clear of the

Apr 23, 2014 · Men often view having a large member as a symbol of strength and sexual prowess. But it turns out, when it comes to keeping a woman satisfied, bigger may not be better. Contrary to popular belief, a new study out of Kenya found that husbands with larger penises were more likely to be cheated on by

Mar 03, 2015 · For any man who’s secretly wondering if he measures up, here’s the answer: UK researchers set out to determine what can be considered a “normal” penis length by analyzing prior studies

International study of 15,000 penises shows that there is no connection between shoe size and penis size, either

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Penis size compare between ethnic by chart of african, caucasian and oriental