Anal Canal Inflammation provides Thousands of Free MCQs, One of the most amazing apps for PG Medical Exams. Easy to use, thousands of MCQs, analysis, Mock Tests, Question wise videos and the reference material.

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Basic anal anatomy includes the anus, the anal canal, and the rectum. The abundance of nerve endings in the anal region and rectum makes anal …

Enlarged Papillae . Anal papillae are prominent projections of epithelium at the upper end of the anal canal at the mucocutaneous junction. Usually they are small, but visible enough to give the pectinate line a serrated appearance on anoscopy.

Iatrogenic Artifact: An iatrogenic artifact is a disease made up by doctors, often a diagnostic trend or fad that has become or is expected to become obsolete or discredited.

Anal fissure often occurs between the edge of the anus and the dentate line manifested by pain. It is usually found at the posterior and anterior parts of the anus.

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The most common cause of this inflammation is an infection. Infections that lead to cervicitis may be spread during sexual activity, but this isn’t always the case.

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What is an anal fistula? A fistula in ano is a tunnel like- pipe like track, developed in the perennial region, usually having one or more external openings around the anus leading to an internal opening in the mucosa of the anal canal or the rectum.

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Reference: Tagart REB.The Anal Canal and Rectum: Their Varying Relationship and Its Effect on Anal Continence, Diseases of the Colon and Rectum 1966: 9, 449-452.

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Anal fissure (fissures) is a very painful condition caused by trauma to the anus and anal canal, which then cuts or tears the anus and anal canal tissue. These tears can be caused by straining to have a bowel movement, hard stools, and …

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